Welcome to
Théato Research Group
My young and highly motivated research group at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is working on the development of new synthesis methods for polymers, synthesis of functional polymers, surface chemistry, nanomaterials, and materials science. Synthetically we are utilizing numerous modern polymerization techniques in combination with post-polymerization modification techniques. With the development of a powerful synthetic toolbox, we are extending and pushing the current limits of polymer chemistry.
POLiS – Cluster of Excellence Post-Lithium Storage
Campus South
Volorio tem et vendaepudam re, saperiost voloria quunt quam veleni odisiti strunt quia que ventest, odit volorro rrores magnihit quo et reprepel intibus daeped estrume ndemper ferios que verum harum nonsequi de prae lamendae. Empore re et deligen imilibe riandipsunt, to que molum accus quam laccum consequ iatus. Bus dolo blam re dia que la isqui nulpa a estruptatus seniminias.
Bld. 11.23 | Engesserstraße 18 | 76128 Karlsruhe
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Patrick Théato
Campus West
Volorio tem et vendaepudam re, saperiost voloria quunt quam veleni odisiti strunt quia que ventest, odit volorro rrores magnihit quo et reprepel intibus daeped estrume ndemper ferios que verum harum nonsequi de prae lamendae. Empore re et deligen imilibe riandipsunt, to que molum accus quam laccum consequ iatus. Bus dolo blam re dia que la isqui nulpa a estruptatus seniminias.
Bld. 11.23 | Engesserstraße 18 | 76128 Karlsruhe
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Patrick Théato