

Interested in service measurements?

Whether you are a cooperation partner or need industrial measurements, our group offers a variety of state-of-the-art analytical methods for the complete characterisation of small molecules as well as polymers. NMR, SEC, TGA, DSC…




Campus West

The majority of our analytics are located at KIT Campus West. With the focus on battery research and automated polymer synthesis, euqipment such as gloce boxes, battery cycler, SEC and EPR are located here. Furthermore, we can choose from a plethora of 3D printers for individual applications in the field of hydrogel synthesis 3D printed reaction ware.

3D Printer

FormLabs Form 2

Ultimaker S5

Miicraft Hyper 80x

responsible person: Dr. Dominik Voll

Fluidic Reaction Setup

Equipped with 3 Cetoni Nemesys M + Base Syringe Pump System,

Impedance Spectrometer



Additional Equipment

IKA Ultra Turrux Ulrasonicator,

Laurell Spin Coater,

Thermo Scientific Shaker,

Sigma Centrifuges,

Binder/Thermo Scientific Vacuum Drying Oven,

Thermo Fisher Drying Oven,

Heidolph/Vacuubrand Rotary Evaporators,

Landgraf/Lenovo/Cetoni Syringe Pumps,

Büchi Glas Vacuum Oven,

Julabo Cold Circulation Thermostat,

LOT-Oriel Mercury Vapor Lamp,

Diener Plasma Cleaner,

Mettler Toledo ReactIR 702 L,

Christ Freeze Dryer Alpha,

2L Batch Reactor System



Campus South

On our City Campus of KIT, we accommodate specialized equipment for electrospinning, our NMR and mass spectrometer


Campus North

Our Soft Matter Synthesis Laboratory at Campus North serves as a service lab for industrial and academic partners, it offers its resources and proficiency to researchers seeking solutions in the field of soft matter, and thereby encourages innovation and collaboration across disciplines.

PSS Size Exclusion Chromatography

Two PSS size exclusion chromatographs with THF, DMAc or water as solvents, UV/Vis and RI detectors. Through the variety of possible solvents we can analyse complex synthetic and natural polymers as well as biopolymers and bioconjugates that usually cannot be measured in organic solvents.


Contact: Birgit Huber, Dr. Christian Schmitt

Interchim Flash Chromatography PuriFlash 5.250

Flash Chromatography and preparative HPLC system for fully automized purification of small organic molecules. With the preparative HPLC, even complex separation tasks can achieve clean products.


Contact: Birgit Huber, Dr. Christian Schmitt


Anton Paar Refractometer

Refractometer for the measurement of refractive indices and concentrations of liquids, gels and solids.

Contact: Birgit Huber, Dr. Christian Schmitt

Additional Equipment

Sigma Centrifuge,

Radley Synthesis Reactor

Contact: Birgit Huber, Dr. Christian Schmitt