

Our state-of-the-art research facilities are stretched over three campuses where we work successfully on functional polymer synthesis, surface chemistry, nanomaterials and material science to tackle the challenges of the modern time.

Sounds interessting? Come visit us at one of our locations…



Campus West

The facilities at Campus West are the heart of our operation. Here we accommodate the majority of our vast fleet of analytical instruments from size exclusion chromatography to infrared microscopy, next to laboratories for battery research, large scale synthesis and automated polymer synthesis and modification.

Hertzstraße 16
76187 Karlsruhe
Building 06.35


Campus South

Campus South is the City Campus of KIT located in the heart of Karlsruhe, right next to the castle. The state-of-the-art laboratories are equiped with a polymer chemists every day needs for the development of new techniques for polymer synthesis and modification.

Engesserstraße 18

76128 Karlsruhe

Buildings 11.21, 11.23, 30.45

location location_on location_on location_on
Bld. 30.45 / 1.OG
Engesserstraße 15
Bld. 11.21 / 3.OG
Engesserstraße 20
Bld. 11.23 / 3.OG
Engesserstraße 18

Campus North

Our Soft Matter Synthesis Laboratory, situated in Campus North, unites the expertise of organic, materials, and polymer chemistry. Outfitted with cutting-edge laboratory technology, it serves as a central hub for complex synthetic and analytical challenges. As a service lab, it offers its resources and proficiency to researchers seeking solutions in the field of soft matter, and thereby encourages innovation and collaboration across disciplines. Feel free to contact us with your upcoming scientific challenges.

Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1

76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

Building 319, Laboratory 300
